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Terms and conditions of sale

      If you would like to reserve the option to purchase a kid from our herd we require a $100 deposit per kid ($200 for international orders). Reservations are honored according to the date of the deposit. If your choice of kid is not available, we will gladly refund your deposit or transfer it to another kid if that is your desire, however there are no refunds on canceled orders. A refusal to purchase a kid solely based on its color will be considered a cancellation. Prices quoted are for pre-ordered kids picked up (or shipped) by 5 weeks of age. Any animal not shipped or picked up by the time they are 5 weeks of age will be subject to a boarding fee per day unless previous arrangements have been made. All shipping costs are to be paid by the buyer, as is the cost of any testing (and related veterinary expenses) required for interstate or international shipment. Shipping costs would include a crate, airfare, and health certificate. No animal will be shipped until all fees (estimated airfare, crate, and health certificate in addition to the animal cost) and boarding bills are paid in full (either through cash, money order, a cleared check or paypal transfer). If possible, we would invite you to pick up your kid in person so that you can see your kid and its relatives. We provide ADGA registration and transfer for any kid purchased by an ADGA member. 


       We offer discounts to youth (4-H/FFA Members) and on multiple animal purchases. Once notified of the birth of your optioned kid, you will be expected to remit the remaining purchase price within 10 days of that time. If the balance is not paid within 10 days of notification of birth, and other arrangements  have not been made, the kid may be offered to another buyer and the deposit, along with any monies paid, will be forfeited. We do reserve the right to retain any animal on the sales list for herd replacement, or withdraw from sale an animal that does not meet our standards or quality.


        All bucks (mature or kids) are sold with the option that we will be able to purchase 20 straws of semen back at the cost of collection. We do ask that you refrain from marketing your buckling's semen until you have been able to evaluate his daughters in milk. 

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